Pengenalan / Introduction

Memperkenalkan iringan tambahan zine fizikal NOKSS di dunia web khas buat pembaca/peminat semasa/akan datang, kaki blog, kaki zine, kaki seni, dan ulat membaca!

Blog ini menampilkan pelbagai bentuk coretan kreatif dan lontaran kata 19 orang penulis tetap kami (keutamaan akan diberikan kepada penulisan; tapi medium lain seperti video/persembahan muzik, filem pendek, komik, atau apa-apa saja yang kreatif juga mungkin ada kalau mereka ada buat apa-apa benda kreatif lain selain menulis) atau apa-apa sahaja perkara yang menarik untuk dikongsi.

Semoga terhibur!

Introducing the web extension to our physical NOKSS zine exclusively for our current/upcoming fans/readers, blog heads, zine heads, art junkies and reading nerds alike!

This blog serve as the hub for miscellaneous creative outlets and pieces of mind by our 19 resident writers (the main focus here are writings; but other things like music videos/performances, short films, comics, or anything else under the sun are also possible provided that they actually did something else other than writings) as well as other kinds of interesting stuff that are worth the share.

Have a blast, peeps!

Penafian / Disclaimer
    1. SEMUA tulisan, grafik, dan ilustrasi yang terkandung di dalam blog ini adalah hak milik 9Belas Zine kecuali jika diberitahu. / ALL of the writings, graphics and illustrations contained within this blog are owned by 9Belas Zine unless stated otherwise.
    2. Kalau anda betul-betul sayangkan seni, JANGAN sesekali MENCURI DAN MENGUBAH karya-karya di sini. BUAT MACAM HARTA SENDIRI LAGILAH TAK BOLEH! / For the love of art, DO NOT STEAL AND EDIT ANY of the works here or even go as far as CLAIMING ANY OF THEM YOURS!
    3. Kalau nak kongsi karya kami, silakan! Tapi, janganlah lupa untuk kredit nama penulis dan/atau 9Belas Zine dulu sebelum berkongsi, ya? / If you wish to share our stuff, go on ahead! Provided that you have the courtesy to credit the respective writer/s and/or 9Belas Zine first, of course.
    4. Sesetengah karya dalam NOKSS#0 mengandungi perkataan atau elemen yang berbaur lucah dan/atau kasar. / Some of the works in NOKSS#0 might contain elements and wordings that are sexual and/or offensive.
      Creative Commons License
      Karya yang terkandung di dalam blog ini telah 'dilesenkan' di bawah / Works within this blog are 'licensed' under the Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
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